You are sexy! And no, not from the forehead down ;-). Your natural hair is sexy! Of course, YOU think so, but what do guys think? I hit the streets and got some opinions on why guys think that your natural hair makes you so foxy-fine!
Natural hair is so refreshing in a world of synthetic women.... Also it's just sexy….I guess to a measure it is an expression of confidence and freedom that is sexy. Jamaal P., 27
I like natural hair because it's fluffy, but also because it seems more honest to me. I feel like permed hair is an attempt to make your hair seem like something it's not. Basically, it's deceit.
I also think that it's harder to maintain natural hair so I generally assume that the lady is a hard worker, which is attractive to me. I see her as someone can hold her own whenever she decides to. A woman with permed hair is makes me think of regular trips to the salon. She's like another bill. If she doesn't have the patience or dedication to take care of her own hair, how will she be with me? A relationship can't be solved with a 6 week touch up. The same applies for women with dreads. Paul M., 21
Really love it that she can switch her style up from long to a bun to curls. Sexy. Vincent E., 29
I like it because I can run my hands through it without worry. I mean I do know there are times when you can’t but there are times when you most definitely can :-). Besides there is nothing more attractive then a black women who is proud of her hair and let's it show regardless of what society may say or think. Doran A., 25
I do think it's sexy because it is the way God made black women. Not saying those who have relaxed hair are not beautiful but there is something more special about a young woman who has a natural hair style.
It takes a little more effort to manage that hairstyle and it gives an exotic look. In my opinion it shows that she cares about her self and the way she looks.
Adrian R.,25
It’s authentic
It’s real
There is no guess work
You can touch it
You can walk in the rain
So as practical as those reasons are, they are very sexy.
Corey D., 25
Yes! I love natural hair on women. Afros, locs, curls, the whole gambit! There's something so... reassuring about a woman comfortable with her natural texture. Not to say that women with artificial hair are insecure, but women with natural hair have a different demeanor (I intentionally didn't say "swagg" *vomits* lol) about them that I personally enjoy. I know natural styles are a lot of work, but a well kept natural look goes a long way! Daveechi S., 24
I think natural hair is very sexy......I think it is because it shows you and who you are (not behind a mask) it gives you a chance to showcase who you are as a person. Darian H.,
I think it shows the natural beauty of a woman. It tells me that that woman is sexy in her own skin (hair) and knows how to work it. It works well with how a woman looks. :-) Henry C.,23
I like the Afro form of natural hair because it reminds me of the Retro classy look. Wayne D., 21
1) It’s easier to grab, 2) You don’t have to worry about her crying due to humidity or rain 3) You have a lesser chance of finding out and being disappointed later by a weave 4) You won’t have to come out of pocket with $200+ monthly for maintenance work. Dontae S., 22
Ya see? And there are millions more reasons that I’m sure you’ve heard, or just know! Of course, confidence in your beauty starts with you, but it doesn’t hurt to know that some cute guys are behind you!