Friday, August 26, 2011

How Make Your Natural Hair Look Good in a Driver's License Picture

(This is a picture of MY driver's license. I didn't think that it was too impressive :))

This is pretty easy when you have relaxed hair. You can just kind of do what everybody else is doing…add extensions, straighten out the new growth, and maybe bump the ends a few times. But what about when you’re rocking kinks and curls? NOW WHAT? I ran into this very problem while waiting to take my driver’s license picture (I was getting my license renewed) and failed at the solution miserably. But don’t worry! Read this article and you can learn what not to do the easy way…instead of making the mistakes I did and having to wait another several years before you can take another pic. L
The difference between other pictures and driver’s license pictures is that it is straight forward, from the neck up and normally taken by someone who hates their job and therefore could care less how your picture turns out. So here’s what to focus on.

We naturalistas love putting bumps and lumps and rolls in our hair and while they really do look awesome and exotic, how will all these lumps and bumps look in bad lighting? Will you look like you’re growing a horn? Extra ears? Consider a style that is simple and pretty without a lot of complicated components, like a wash-n-go, a puff, or a sleek bun. These styles are easy, congruent (lol) and look pretty too!

Face Shape
I love experimenting with my hair as much as the next girl, but in special events (like lifelong driver’s license pictures) go with what you know looks good on you.  And normally, what looks good on you looks good because it complements your face shape. Take into account also your eyes, makeup, and bone structure when choosing a style that best suits you. Oval faces may look better with their hair pulled back, while rounder faces can carry off a larger afro without being lost in all the hair. Choose what works best for you!

Shine and Frizziness
I know, I know, you will not get the same shine from natural hair that you would get from straight hair, but that doesn’t mean that your hair can’t look healthy and moisturized. Using oil sheen and moisturizing your hair well on the day of your picture can make a huge difference in frizziness and shine. Also, go for uniformity. If you’re going for a fro, make sure that all parts of your hair looks like a fro. If you’re going for defined curls, make sure that you define every curl. We’re going for congruency, remember?

Product Overload
Too many products in your hair can be bad news for your face. Even if your make-up is flawless a halo made of oil doesn’t look good in pictures! Make sure that your hair is clean and moisturized, but not over loaded. And make sure that the products you do have are completely dry in your hair BEFORE your picture. A drop of water in your hair in person may look like a glob of product in your hair in a picture! A blow dryer is very handy for situations like these.

So take these tips with you the next time you have to renew your license. Or get your license for the first time. Or to take your picture for your permit. Or school picture. Or anytime you want! And of course, SMILE!


  1. Congrats on your first blog post! I started mine not too long ago :) I'm rocking braids on my DL...maybe now I won't dread having to take a new picture lol!

  2. Thanks for the info. I like the layout of your blog spot. I will use this soon when I get new photo on my license.

  3. Love the post! I am up for a new license photo but fortunately I am rocking a fade so I won't need anything more than lipgloss and eyeliner!

  4. Great post- Because I am not tryin to look tore up in photos!

  5. Lol at this post! Great suggestions, but I like your driver's license picture!
